Senin, 06 Desember 2010

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           Ajang piala AFF yang diselenggarakan 2th sekali yang diadakan tahun ini menyita perhatian publik. Ya siapa lagi kalau bukan pelakunya Indonesia. Tidak terduga. itulah kata kata yang terpikirkan oleh banyak orang tahun ini ketika melihat hasil pertandingan Piala AFF kali ini. hasil yang membanggakan ditorehkan tim Nasional Indonesia saat berlaga di turnamen 2tahunan ini patut kita acungi 4 jempol. Korban pertama adalah Malaysia yang notabene musuh bebuyutan Indonesia di ajang ini. yup... 5-1 skor yang membanggakan buat Indonesia dan 6-0 saat melawan Laos yang kemarin mengalahkan Indonesia di pentas SEAGAMES . waw sangat membanggakan walaupun baru 2 pertandingan dan sekaligus memastikan Indonesia ke Semifinal. Tapi yang perlu kita sorot adalah kemampuan tangan dingin pelatih Indonesia yaitu Alfred Riedl. keputusannya mencoret Boas salosa karenan tindakan Indisipliner sangat dipertanggungjawabkan dengan memasukkan dua tokoh naturalisasi yaitu Christian Gonzales (Uruguay), Irfan Bachdim ( Belanda) dan didukung mobilitas tinggi Okto Maniani dan M. Ridwan sangatlah memompa semangat anak asuhannya itu...
           Besok Selasa 7 Desember 2010 , Thailand yang akan merasakan ketangguhan Indonesia . Bagaimana hasilnya. Kita lihat saja dan kita berharap Inilah kebangkitan sepak bola Indonesia :) Bravo Indonesia. Berikanlah yang terbaik buat kami.

Kiper: Markus Horison, Ferry Rotinsulu, Kurnia Meiga, Made Wirawan
Bek: Zulkifli, Benny Wahyudi, Nova Arianto, Maman Abdulrahman, Hamka Hamzah, Yesaya Desnam, M. Roby, M. Nasuha, Slamet Riyadi
Gelandang: M. Ridwan, Arif Suyono, Toni Sucipto, Firman Utina, Eka Ramdani, Ahmad Bustomi, Hariono, Johan Juansyah, Oktovianus Maniani, Octavianus
Penyerang: Christian Gonzales, Irfan Bachdim, Bambang Pamungkas, Yongky Aribowo, Budi Sudarsono 


Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

4 komentar
Teorinya sih gampang bro. Namun, penerapannya gak gampang sih, terutama bagi orang yang memang benar-benar merasakan ketakutan tersebut.

Jika lo takut  nih?, lo bisa saja mengatasinya sendiri atau lo perlu bantuan orang lain. Semua itu tergantung dari seberapa besar rasa takut lo bro... but, betapa kecilnya rasa takut lo, lebih baik lo ngelakuin sesuatu nih.

waktu lo berhasil ngatasin tuh ketakutan lo, maka lo bakal ngedapetin lebih banyak peluang baik dalam karir maupun perkembangan diri lo.

Langkah Awalnya nih:

Mengambil langkah kecil dan pasti

Rasa takut adalah sesuatu yang menghentikan lo buat bertindak. Karena itulah, ambil langkah kecil dan perlahan. Dengan begini, lo bisa ngedapetin rasa percaya diri untuk mengambil langkah-langkah selanjutnya yang lebih besar.

Misalnya saja perbandingan yang mudah dengan angka. Kalau lo takut untuk berinvestasi sebesar 100 juta rupiah,lo bisa memulai dengan 5 juta rupiah. Setelah longerasain gimana tuh berinvestasi, maka lo bakalan ngedapetin rasa percaya diri dan berani untuk menginvestasikan jumlah yang lebih gedhe.

Agar lo bisa meningkatkan keberanian untuk mengambil langkah kecil tadi, lo perlu mengakui bahwa rasa takut itu perlu. Lama kelamaan, rasa percaya diri dan keberanian lo akan menjadi semakin besar.
2nd round:

Dapetin kembali motifasi lo

Mengatasi rasa takut sering kali membutuhkan proses dan waktu yang panjang. Ketika ini terjadi, orang sering kali merasa ingin menyerah. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi hal ini adalah dengan memotivasi diri lo.

Caranya, lo bisa menuliskan keuntungan apa saja yang akan lo dapatkan jika lo melakukan suatu perubahan yang tadinyalo takuti. Dengan melihat semua hal-hal yang indah ini dalam kepada lo, maka lo akan bisa termotivasi untuk mengalahkan rasa takut.

Lanjud Langkah Ketiga:

Ganti tuh sudut pandang lo

Saat orang ngalamin gagal atau ditolak, ini sering kali merambat pada pikiran negatif yang bisa menghancurkan diri sendiri. Padahal, semua orang pasti mengalami kegagalan dalam hidupnya.Ini adalah sebuah kenyataan yang haruslo sadari.

Karena itulah, lo perlu mengganti sudut pandang lo terhadap kegagalan. Jangan biarkan kegagalan menciutkan nyalimu okeah. Melainkan, buatlah kegagalan tersebut sebagai suatu pelajaran yang berharga buat lo .

Langkah Keempat dan Lanjudkan:

Menghadapi Kenyataan

Rasa takut berhubungan dengan pengalaman buruk di masa lalu dan kekhawatiran akan masa depan. Karena itu, cara untuk mengatasi rasa takut lo adalah dengan fokus pada kenyataan yang terjadi hari ini.

Langkah Kelima:

Membuat Goal / Tetapkan Tujuan Anda
Tentuin tuh jalan idup lo, misalnya berapa penghasilan yang ingin lo dapetin nantinya, ingin bepergian ke mana saja, dll, akan membuatlo memiliki fokus yang jelas. nantinya bisa membuat rencana tentang apa saja yang akan lo lakuin nantinya, sehingga lo lebih percaya diri.
okey..tetap semangat dan jalani hidup dengan kemauan , usah , dan tetap berdoa :)

10 tips body healthy

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

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Many of us are experiencing problems in raising a healthy weight. Ideal body weight can be increased by increasing muscle mass, not body fat. Many are often wrong sense by increasing the weight means to increase the amount of fat. Besides the way it is the wrong way, the way it is also very unhealthy because fat increases means we consume more energy than we need for our activities.
Usually after trying for months, eating as much as possible, exercise fitness 'said he' already heavy but still has not produced results at all, we're getting desperate and said if our lean body is genetic or is fate. If in 2-3 weeks there has been no result, SURE there is something wrong.
Please check the tips below for 2-3 weeks for an up-and-ride muscle blm:
1. Have we eat 5-6x a day, portions, and reducing junk food? Eating junk food not only adds unhealthy fats but also can slow metabolism makes the body can not work in a healthy manner.
2. Eating carbs and protein after your workout DIRECT. This is needed to replace muscle glycogen or sugar in the empty when we exercise. And protein needed by the muscles that we just 'broken' with heavy exercise.
3. Eat real food (not supplements) MAX 1 h after exercise
4. Take a multivitamin (which would make it mandatory add weight, because of vitamin B in particular, it helps to digest the nutrients we eat. It would be useless to eat plenty of food but our body can not digest it well).
5. Weight training is NOT EXCEED 1 hour. And reduce your cardio. Exercise more than 1 hour will waste your calories. You still need calories to build your muscles.
6. Not train the same muscle more than 2x a week
7. It followed the 9-12 sets per muscle per session. Do not train the chest muscles with all the equipment at the gym with the assumption that the more complete the better. Use only 3-4 tool each about 3-4 sets and use the basic compound movements only. No Isolation Movement.
8. 6-8 reps is a must, must not be up to 12 reps. 6-8 reps tuh been failure.
9. Use negative reps. After the failure, assisted by a friend / spotter to lift, and we hold to the decline. Vary these negative reps for 2-3 weeks.
10. Already using High Intensity Training for weight training. Which means, short break between sets, about 1.5 - 2 minutes. And lift weights as heavy as possible. Example: create a high around 160-165, jgn say 10kg bench press left and right are severe. As it will not be able to increase your muscle mass. Pursue a minimum target of 25-30kg left and right. If blm capable, raise perlahan2 each week until you are able, if necessary, get help from friends.

LDR, Maximize Your Face Time

Selasa, 30 November 2010

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                                              Missing you…
Being in a long distance relationship means you have limited amount of face-time with your love. While you’d be happy to spend at least 90 percent of those in-the-flesh moments holding, hugging and kissing each other for hours on end in bed, it’s also important that you create experiences during your in-person meet-ups to create experiences that will help deepen all the bonds of your relationship – not just the physical ones. Ultimately those strong emotional connections you forge will help get you through your time apart.
Andrea Woroch, a PR specialist, has been in a long distance relationship for approximately a year. She believes the secret to maintaining a long-distance relationship long term boils down to communication, honesty and availability.
“Sometimes we may have talked too much but we were always able to get a hold of each other, ” says Woroch.  For the better part of their relationship she and her boyfriend lived, respectively, in Vail, CO and Bakersfield, CA. There are no direct flights and, in fact, each of those towns are two hours from the nearest major airports, which made short weekend trips very impractical. “But even if my boyfriend was busy, he’d answer my call and let me know what he was doing and that he’d call me back at a certain time so I wouldn’t sit there wondering. That was definitely helpful!”
Making the most of face time
Although Ms. Woroch has since moved to Santa Barbara to be nearer to her man, she offers these 5 tips to couples in a long distance relationship to make the most of their not-having-sex time together.
1 Try to make alone time away from friends and family.
Although it’s great to have your significant other spend time to get to know the people you love and care about, couples in long distance relationships need to spend some one on one time together to reconnect. Plan a picnic, private dinner or escape to a nearby city where it will just be the two of you with no other distractions.
2 Create lasting memories and plan something exciting for your weekend together.
For instance, try a new activity like mountain biking or go camping. Plan something exciting that you’ll bond over and remember forever.
3 Skype or other video chat is a great way to connect at night.
If you haven’t already, invest time in getting your technology set up so you can have enhanced communication opportunities while you’re apart! It’s great to be able to actually see your significant other while you are talking. Skyping or video chatting will definitely make the distance feel closer.
4 Don’t sweat the small stuff.
You’ve got limited time so forget stupid arguments.
5 Leave love notes to keep your memory lingering in his mind.
Before you have to say good bye to your love, leave a little note under his pillow in his room or hidden in his coat pocket which, when he finally finds it, will always made him smile.


55 komentar
                        Condoms, when used consistently and correctly, are the only form of protection that can help stop the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and prevent pregnancy. Condoms are very effective at preventing HIV transmission, and will also help to prevent the transmission of any other infection that's spread through semen or vaginal fluids. However, they are only effective if they're used properly every time you have sex. Condoms are quite simple to use, but like anything, it can take a bit of practice to get it right. To fully understand how to use one, visit our using condoms page.A female condom is similar to a male condom, but is wider and is worn inside a woman's vagina rather than over the penis. It is made of polyurethane rather than latex. The condom has two rings - the ring at the closed end of the female condom is pushed up inside the vagina, while the ring at the open end surrounds the entrance to the vagina. The man's penis is guided into the condom through this ring. There are a range of tests performed by both regulatory agencies and the condom manufacturers to ensure they're safe and strong enough to use during sex. These include electronic testing, the water leak test, the air burst test and the strength test. Visit our condoms page for more information.You need to make sure the condom has not expired, it carries the standards approval mark (either FDA, ISO, CE or the British Standard Kite Mark depending on where you are), and that it has been properly stored. Visit our using condoms page for more information. Studies have shown that when used properly, less than 2 in every 100 condoms fail. Visit our condoms effectiveness page for more information. 
                 Some people claim that condoms have tiny pores or holes in them through which sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV can pass. This is not true. Many studies show that condoms do not have pores big enough for HIV to travel through. Most latex condoms have walls that are approximately .05 mm thick – a virus such as HIV would therefore have to pass through a barrier around 500 times thicker than itself to reach the outside. Condoms are usually made of latex or polyurethane. Latex condoms are more widely available and cheaper, although some people are allergic to them, in which case a polyurethane condom may be more appropriate. To understand more about these two types of condoms and the correct lubricant to use with them visit our using condoms page. Condom use can be traced back several thousand years and were once simply strips of linen. Animal intestines have also provided an alternative to today's more practical latex and polyurethane varieties. 
                 Visit our condoms: effectiveness, history and availability page for a complete history. It will depend on which country you are in, but in most countries you can buy condoms from chemists and supermarkets. Condoms are often available from vending machines in public toilets. In some countries condoms are available free or at low-cost from clinics. They can also be purchased from a variety of websites online.

7 Seduction Tips

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Fantasy vs. reality
You are the type of woman whose imagination inhabits a colorful, racy fantasy world where, stripped of your inhibitions, you’re free to luxuriate in your fantasy life as a seductress. In your wild daydreams you personify  that woman who, with a simple flip of her hair and a come hither gaze, can entrance any man into a state of euphoria.
But in the real world, that sense of adventure and sexual freedom you so freely wield in your fantasies is nonexistent. That lacy teddy your boyfriend bought you for Valentine ’s Day has been sitting in your drawer untouched and still bears its tags. Although you are ready to show your boyfriend this naughtier, more playful aspect of your personality how can you get over your shyness and embarrassment?
Embrace your newbieness – it’s sexy!
A pleasure expert who has studied with the world’s experts and worked with thousands of men and women, teaching them to express themselves with sex and seduction. “Newbie seductresses possess the innocence of a newborn learning to walk and how adorable is that? You can’t help but giggle at the stumbles, the fumbles, the grasping and oh, yeah, the falls!”
According to Dame Lori, the more you approve of and enjoy that shy, virginal, vulnerable, blushing and terrified part of you… the hotter, sexier, cuter and more precious you will be to your man.
“I am not a fan of ‘getting over’ anything in life, I have found it to be more pleasurable when I am in agreement with my shyness and embarrassment,” says Dame Lori. “Celebrate your adorable shyness and the awkwardness of blushing. It will lead the way to having more fun.”
Dame Lori also notes that although seduction is always seen as doing something sexual or naughty, for the most part during the day, it is neither. In fact Dame Lori says she uses it as a serious communication tool all day long  to engage with others.
Seduction is not just about sex
“Seducing my way all day affirms my joy, my lust and my desire to share all of this with the world,” says Dame Lori. “ I practice the art of seduction when I’m loving up my two-year old toy poodle, Lily, and  puppy training her by whispering ‘good girl’ into her ear. I practice the art of seduction when I encourge my eight year old daughter to take a shower by offering a new rose soap. I practice seduction when heating up my marital bed with silly new ideas. I believe seduction is my lifeline to the greater divine universe where fun, pleasure and joy rules – no matter what. And as Bob Dylan says, ‘You got to serve somebody.’ I say why not serve your seduction…whether in shyness or sassiness or both?”
Dame Lori offers these seven ways to seduce your man – in spite of your shyness
#1 Tell him you are shy.
Tell your man that you are terrifyingly shy and you don’t know what to do next. Ask him if he is okay with your shyness. (But don’t worry of course, he is— shyness is an automatic hot seduction tool, trust me!)
#2 Practice being “The Shy Seductress!”
Create a performance based upon the sublime sweetness of shy…fan dancing…scarf twirling…anything that is fun for you. You don’t have to do this in front of your guy…only in front of your mirror!
#3 Use shy props.
Throughout history women have used fans and veils, you can use a shirt, napkin or anything at hand as an absolutely amazing tool to cover your face, your mouth and express your emotions when you are not able to speak!
#4 Write notes to each other
Or letters… or text him for a while until you are ready for a voice-to-voice conversation. These are amazing ways to lead you into taking the next steps that YOU are ready for. Not his steps…yours!
#5 Go out with another seductress who is more skilled than you.
Research and observe firsthand what a great seductress is and how she enjoys taking her pleasure with men. Women require a community of support to play pleasure and practice the expansion and celebration of their sensuality. It’s fun… it pushes and forces you to stretch and use new skills you would otherwise not do solo!
#6 Practice with other men.
This is essential to build our confidence and get us comfortable with standard seduction skills. Use your skilled seductress friends to create pleasurable seductions with your men friends…. a la Cyrano-style.
#7 Ask your guy for some pointers.
When it comes to being a shy seductress, ask him if he could help you create some great shy seductions given your circumstances. Get your guy thinking imaginatively, cooking up some fun scenarios that could be hilariously fun for you two… ask him for 5 or 10 ideas.